Seit ihrem Start im Sommersemester 2009 erfreut sich die öffentliche Vortragsreihe „Münster Lectures“ nicht nur bei den Studierenden der Hochschule großer Beliebtheit: Ein breites kunstinteressiertes Publikum füllt regelmäßig dienstagabends während der Semester den Hörsaal, wenn renommierte Persönlichkeiten des internationalen Kunstbetriebs über ihre Arbeit und Werke sprechen. Im Rahmen der Lehre bilden die Lectures einen wichtigen Baustein bei der Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis, sie sind darüber hinaus aber auch ein offenes Diskussionsforum zu aktuellen Fragen der Kunst.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert von den Freunden der Kunstakademie Münster e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Adina Bar-On
24.05.2022 18:00, Die Münster Lecture findet in Präsenz statt und ist vorerst nur für Mitglieder der Kunstakademie Münster zugänglich. Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Adina Bar-On was born December 19, 1951 in Kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel. She is a pioneer performance artist, considered to be the first performance artist in Israel.
Active for nearly five decades, her work continuously discusses the connections between cultural phenomena and patterns of behavior in society. She investigates the issue of identity and draws attention to conflicting aspects in identity formation.
Adina seeks to motivate the viewer to critical thinking, involvement, and a sense of responsibility for what is happening. She brings these issues to the forefront by using her body and voice.
Adina Bar-On has been an active performer since 1973, when she was a 3rd year student at the Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem. Over the years, she has presented her work in Art Museums, culture events, and galleries, in Israel, Europe, across Asia, Canada and the USA. Making it her business to emphasize her political and social stand, she has insistently performed in social and political events.
Since the mid 1970’s she has taught painting, visual communication, and performance art, in the various institutions of higher learning in Israel and abroad. Her methodology of teaching visual communication has evolved in her workshops at Bezalel Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Jerusalem.
Between 2008-2018 Bar-On channeled her educational initiatives to promote other ways of discussion about Differences; The project “Aesthetics and Bias – Polish Israeli Art Student Meeting” has been an educational initiative between Bezalel Academy and four prominent Polish Institutions of higher art education, as well as careful initiatives between Bezalel Academy and Dar al Kalima in Palestine.
In 2021 the Landau and the Dizengoff prizes were awarded to Bar-On for her performance-art; In 2001 she received a prize by the American Israel Cultural Foundation, for her contribution to Israeli art and in the same year Idit Porat`s book, "Adina Bar-On, Performance Artist", was published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad and the Herzliya Museum of Art. In November 2018 she was endowed with the title of Honorary Ambassador by the government of Poland.
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