Seit ihrem Start im Sommersemester 2009 erfreut sich die öffentliche Vortragsreihe „Münster Lectures“ nicht nur bei den Studierenden der Hochschule großer Beliebtheit: Ein breites kunstinteressiertes Publikum füllt regelmäßig dienstagabends während der Semester den Hörsaal, wenn renommierte Persönlichkeiten des internationalen Kunstbetriebs über ihre Arbeit und Werke sprechen. Im Rahmen der Lehre bilden die Lectures einen wichtigen Baustein bei der Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis, sie sind darüber hinaus aber auch ein offenes Diskussionsforum zu aktuellen Fragen der Kunst.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert von den Freunden der Kunstakademie Münster e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Donjetë Murati /// Kuratorin, Program and Research Coordinator der Manifesta 14 (2022), Pristina
25.04.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Donjetë Murati (RKS/NZ) is a researcher, curator and cultural worker based in Prishtina, Kosovo. She has an MA in Sociology at The New School, with a focus on the Sociology of Arts, Political Sociology and Discourse Analysis. Most recently Donjetë was the Programme and Research coordinator – Centre for Narrrative Practice at the nomadic biennial Manifesta 14 Prishtina. As part of the Production department, she was responsible for the production of art works and the activation programme in the new emerging institution, as well as moderation of events. In the past year she curated “The First Flower Monument” with Astrit Ismaili at the Gallery of Ministry of Culture. Previously, she was a Research and Programs Associate at Lumbardhi, in charge of the digital programs, artistic collaborations and part of the team developing the long-term institutional strategy. Donjetë is a founding member of PART (Workers in Art) a grassroots initiative that brings together researchers, artists, curators and independent practitioners in the field of arts, that examine and generate responses for shaping cultural policies in Kosovo. Donjetë has previously worked with Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina as a researcher and program coordinator. She has also collaborated with civil society organizations in several research projects. Her research experiences consist of projects on Grassroots Practices, Cultural Policies and Gender.
Moderation: Finn Froböse, Student
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.