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Seit ihrem Start im Sommersemester 2009 erfreut sich die öffentliche Vortragsreihe „Münster Lectures“ nicht nur bei den Studierenden der Hochschule großer Beliebtheit: Ein breites kunstinteressiertes Publikum füllt regelmäßig dienstagabends während der Semester den Hörsaal, wenn renommierte Persönlichkeiten des internationalen Kunstbetriebs über ihre Arbeit und Werke sprechen. Im Rahmen der Lehre bilden die Lectures einen wichtigen Baustein bei der Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis, sie sind darüber hinaus aber auch ein offenes Diskussionsforum zu aktuellen Fragen der Kunst.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert von den Freunden der Kunstakademie Münster e.V.

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Zurück zur Übersicht

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent
© Bea Borgers BW

Münster Lecture /// talk on aphasia mit Jelena Jureša /// Künstlerin, Gent

20.06.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

„talk on aphasia“ mit Jelena Jureša, Aernout Mik und Peter Maria Volkhardt 

Das Gespräch wird ausgehend von den Videoarbeiten „Aphasia“ (2019) von Jelena Jureša (*1974 in Jugoslawien) und „Raw Footage“ von Aernout Mik (*1962 in Groningen, lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam) geführt, beide Arbeiten gehen auf die Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien ein und sind gerade deshalb ein guter Ausgangspunkt um über den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit kollektiven Verbrechen und Traumata zu sprechen. Dabei wird insbesondere die Rolle von Bildern und Ihre Einflussnahme auf die Prozesse des Vergessens und der gesellschaftlichen Erinnerungspolitik beleuchtet. Auch wird es um den Prozess der Künstlerischen Arbeit und Recherche im Umgang mit Erinnerungspolitik gehen. 


Jelena Jureša is a visual artist and filmmaker, born in Yugoslavia. In her films, photography and video installations, Jureša explores issues of cultural identity, gender, the politics of remembering and forgetting, and collective violence. She unceasingly questions historical and political narratives and tries to destabilise our ideas of what is true. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including her latest solo exhibitions at Argos centre for audiovisual arts in Brussels, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien in Graz, and Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade. As a Jackman Goldwasser resident artist in 2015, in collaboration with the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago, she started her research on the questions and relations of public art – capitalism – patriarchy, as well as the production of male and female histories within this context. As a Q21 artist in residence in Vienna in 2016, she studied the work of anthropologists and racial hygienists of the Austrian imperial period, as well as the politics of oblivion after WWII in Austria.

Her latest film project Aphasia, which detects a thread of positions of power, racism, injustice, and violence from Belgian colonialism, Austrian anti-Semitism to the atrocities in Bosnia during the Yugoslavian wars, was produced by Argos centre for audiovisual arts, where it was exhibited in a solo exhibition in 2019. Aphasia has been commissioned by Contour Biennale, where it was exhibited in 2019, and in the Manifesta Biennale in 2022. It has been shown in Kunstverein Hamburg, Cinematek in Brussels as part of Figures of Dissent: Cinema of Politics, Politics of Cinema, Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Fotomuseum in Antwerpen, De Cinema in Antwerp, DocLisboa, and at the 23rd Ji.hlava IDFF where it won the main award. Using the previous line of meticulous research and continuing her collaboration with the performers from the film, she conceptualised and directed Aphasia performance, which premiered at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels in 2022.

Jureša teaches at The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK). She holds a PhD in practice from Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, and KASK. In 2017, she was granted a two-year artistic research project at KASK for Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion, and in 2020 a post-doctoral fellowship for Revolt! On a Refusal to Sing—Thinking Resistance Through Music, Waste and Complicity.






Moderation: Max Wigger, Student

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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