Seit ihrem Start im Sommersemester 2009 erfreut sich die öffentliche Vortragsreihe „Münster Lectures“ nicht nur bei den Studierenden der Hochschule großer Beliebtheit: Ein breites kunstinteressiertes Publikum füllt regelmäßig dienstagabends während der Semester den Hörsaal, wenn renommierte Persönlichkeiten des internationalen Kunstbetriebs über ihre Arbeit und Werke sprechen. Im Rahmen der Lehre bilden die Lectures einen wichtigen Baustein bei der Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis, sie sind darüber hinaus aber auch ein offenes Diskussionsforum zu aktuellen Fragen der Kunst.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert von den Freunden der Kunstakademie Münster e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lecture /// Naama Arad
28.11.2023 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Naama Arad, Künstlerin und Kuratorin, Tel Aviv
Naama Arad (b. 1985) is an artist and a curator based in Tel Aviv. In both her artistic and curatorial work, Arad seeks to rearrange different structures of power and authority. Recent exhibitions created by Arad aimed to blur the boundaries between the artistic and the curatorial. Bringing together “individual” objects as far from each other as religious artifacts or 19th century furniture from contemporary art, Arad’s new constellations evoke questions of authorship, connectivity and belonging.
Arad received her MFA from School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2014 and BFA in 2010 from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. Arad presented solo exhibitions at Artport, Tel Aviv; ACUD Gallery, Berlin; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Hamidrasha Gallery, Tel Aviv. Among others, Arad’s work has been exhibited in group exhibitions in The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Brno’s Artist House; 49 Nord Est Frac Lorraine, Metz; Kunstlerhaus Bremen; nGbK, Berlin; 83 Pitt Street, New York; Julius Caesar, Chicago; Petach Tikva Museum of Art and Jerusalem’s Artist House.
Furthermore, Arad has co-curated several group exhibitions in Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne; Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund; MoBY: Museums of Bat Yam; CCA - Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv; Benyamini Contemporary Ceramics Center, Tel Aviv; Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv and Ventilator Gallery, Tel Aviv. In addition, Arad is the curator of “Semel”, an experimental art gallery located within the Shenkar Multidisciplinary Art School.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.