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Seit ihrem Start im Sommersemester 2009 erfreut sich die öffentliche Vortragsreihe „Münster Lectures“ nicht nur bei den Studierenden der Hochschule großer Beliebtheit: Ein breites kunstinteressiertes Publikum füllt regelmäßig dienstagabends während der Semester den Hörsaal, wenn renommierte Persönlichkeiten des internationalen Kunstbetriebs über ihre Arbeit und Werke sprechen. Im Rahmen der Lehre bilden die Lectures einen wichtigen Baustein bei der Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis, sie sind darüber hinaus aber auch ein offenes Diskussionsforum zu aktuellen Fragen der Kunst.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert von den Freunden der Kunstakademie Münster e.V.

Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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Eventbild für Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

Münster Lecture /// Kim Kraczon

16.01.2024 18:00, Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster

Kim Kraczon, Conservator of modern materials and contemporary art, Director of Materials at Ki Culture, advisor to Gallery Climate Coalition, and Founding Member / Operational Lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition, Berlin.

Kim Kraczon is a conservator of modern materials and contemporary art specializing in sustainable practices in the art sector. Her area of expertise and primary focus in the field of sustainability is mitigating the environmental burden of materials and methods in art production, exhibitions, and fine arts shipping. Kraczon is the Director of Materials at Ki Culture, Advisor at Gallery Climate Coalition, and founding member/operation lead of the Gallery Climate Coalition Berlin. She holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts, a B.A. in the Conservation of Modern Materials and Technical Cultural Heritage from the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, and an M.Sc. in the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Specialization in Contemporary Art from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on plastics, time-based media, and sustainable materials in contemporary art.

Website of Kim Kraczon

Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

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