Seit ihrem Start im Sommersemester 2009 erfreut sich die öffentliche Vortragsreihe „Münster Lectures“ nicht nur bei den Studierenden der Hochschule großer Beliebtheit: Ein breites kunstinteressiertes Publikum füllt regelmäßig dienstagabends während der Semester den Hörsaal, wenn renommierte Persönlichkeiten des internationalen Kunstbetriebs über ihre Arbeit und Werke sprechen. Im Rahmen der Lehre bilden die Lectures einen wichtigen Baustein bei der Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis, sie sind darüber hinaus aber auch ein offenes Diskussionsforum zu aktuellen Fragen der Kunst.
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert von den Freunden der Kunstakademie Münster e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.

Münster Lectures /// Anita Muçolli
19.11.2024 18:00, Kunstakademie Münster Hörsaal Leonardo-Campus 2 48149 Münster
Herzliche Einladung zur Münster Lecture mit Anita Muçolli, Künstlerin aus Basel.
*1993 in Burgdorf, works and lives in Basel
- 2020-22: MA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2017-20: BA of Fine Art at the Institute of Art, Gender and Nature, Academy of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
- 2025: Autostrada Biennale, Prizren, Kosovo
- 2023: Purity, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Yverdon, CH
- 2023: Limbo, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
- 2022: The Other, Liste Art Fair, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Scapes of Remembrance, Sattelkammer, Bern, CH
- 2024: Swiss Art Awards, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair
- 2024: If I (just) Lay here, Offspace CC:, Basel
- 2024: Aeschlimann Corti Stipendium, Kunsthalle Bern
- 2024: Momentum, Helvetia Art Foyer, Basel
- 2024: History Invades the Present, Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Montabaur, DE
- 2024: New Ideas for Other Times, Gallery Von Bartha, Basel
- 2024: But you, yourself, with your own hand must open this door, Group show at Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, DE
- 2023: Fuente, Brunnenhalle, Basel, CH
- 2023: Disappear Here, Museo Civico Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona, CH
- 2023: A Place without Walls, the National Gallery of Kosovo, Pristina, KS
- 2022: Peace or Never, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel, CH
- 2022: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Hall 1.1, Basel Fair, CH
- 2021: Interior, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH
- 2021: Plattform 21, Palazzo Reali, Masi Lugano, CH
- 2021: Kiefer I Hablitzel Göhner Kunstpreis, Kunsthaus Langenthal, CH
- 2020: Life, Love, Justice, graduation show MA & BA Fine Arts, Kunsthaus Baselland, CH
- 2020: We Said we Needed Space, Der Tank, Basel, CH
- 2024: Nominee for the Swiss Art Award 2024
- 2024: Nominee for the Aeschlimann Corti Stipend 2024
- 2022: Winner of the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2022
- 2021: Winner of the Helvetia Kunstpreis 2021
- 2020: Nominee for the Kiefer Hablitzel I Göhner Kunstpreis 2020
- 2023: Art Taaalkssss at the Basel Academy of Art & Design FHNW:
Die Münster Lectures werden großzügig gefördert durch die Freunde der Kunstakademie e.V.