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09.07.2024 19:45 – 09.07.2024 22:00
Klasse Nicoline van Harskamp, Fee Mai, Luis Neuenhofer u.a. /// Wired /// Telepresence Toolbox Opening Program
Kunstakademie Münster
Klasse van Harskamp (Raum 129) / Hörsaal
Leonardo-Campus 2
48149 Münster
A cordial invitation to our Telepresence Toolbox opening program:
Tuesday July 9th from 19:45 to 22:00 (Summer party)
- Live stream via www.telepresencetoolbox.org (unlimited online access)
- Live works in Klasse van Harskamp (max 10 audience)
- Projected live stream in the Hörsaal (unlimited access)
new performance works made for streaming:
- 19:45 Lim Kim: “Still Life”
- 20:30 Gabriel Hahner: “Cakewalk”
- 21:00 Sierra Diamond: “02.06.18 at 00.18_3.mov”
- 21:30 JohnLuka Doherty: “34.9 Celcius”
With Fee Mai and others
Production support by Luis Neuenhofer