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Art Students, Artists and Art Historians at Risk

This page offers information about a programme of the University of Fine Arts Münster that enables refugees from any crisis area of the world to take up artistic studies or continue such studies as far as the capacities of the university allow. You will also find links providing information and external assistance for art students, artists and art historians at risk. Please note that some of the links also contain information for people in Germany who wish to help. According to German law, we do not take any responsibility for the content of external sites linked here.

16. November 2022

At its meeting in Jena yesterday, the General Assembly of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) expressed its dismay at the continued state violence in Iran against peacefully protesting citizens, including many students and academics. The assembly of German university leaders declared its solidarity with Iranian university members and with citizens demonstrating for human rights and explicitly also for women's rights and equality in Iran. It appealed to the Iranian leadership to immediately refrain from the use of violence, to seek dialogue and unconditionally to respect freedom of expression and academic freedom.

In the wake of the nationwide demonstrations for the respect of human rights, strikes and protests have taken place at numerous Iranian universities in recent weeks, for example at the University of Tehran, Amirkabir University of Technology, Sharif University of Technology and Islamic Azad University. Although in Iran the campus of a university is under special protection by law, police and other security forces have repeatedly used violence against peacefully protesting university members, and university campuses have sometimes been stormed. Other reported incidents include arrests of numerous students by armed security forces in civilian clothes and attacks by Basij militias on various universities, including the University of Sistan and Baluchestan in the Sunni south-east and the University of Kurdistan in the north-west of the country.

"Freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and academic freedom are being violated to a significant extent in Iran. We condemn the massive violence that is being used, in particular against university members who are concerned about the present and future of their country," said HRK President Prof Dr Peter-André Alt. "At the same time, I would like to express my thanks for the solidarity being shown to students and researchers from Iran at German universities. Iranian students make up the fourth largest group of international students from outside Europe in this country. Their concern for relatives and acquaintances in Iran is great."  

Scholars at Risk (SaR), the international network for the protection of academics at risk, is also deeply concerned about the excessive violence, especially against Iranian students, teaching staff and researchers. SaR is calling for support for Iranian students and scholars through admission agreements and in the struggle for academic freedom.


Münster, 09.03.2022

Liebe Mitglieder und Angehörige der Kunstakademie Münster,

seit Tagen erreichen uns bestürzende Nachrichten vom Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine, der für die dortige Bevölkerung größtes Leid bedeutet. Zutiefst erschüttert, verurteilen wir die Invasion der Ukraine und schließen uns den Forderungen nach dem Ende dieses Wahnsinns an.

Wir denken an alle Menschen, die sich auf der Flucht vor Tod und Zerstörung befinden, die sich zur Wehr setzen, die bereits ihr Leben verloren haben und an deren Angehörige. Wir denken an unsere Studierenden mit Verbindungen in die Ukraine, Freund*innen und Kolleg*innen und an die gesamte Bevölkerung dieses europäischen Staates. Ihnen allen gilt unsere Anteilnahme und unser Wille, für Sie und unsere geteilten Werte gemeinsam einzustehen. Dieser Überfall ist eine Katastrophe für die Ukraine, für Europa und alle sich für Frieden und Freiheit einsetzenden Menschen.

Unsere Gedanken sind auch bei allen russischen Künstler*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen, Journalist*innen und anderen Demonstrierenden, die den großen Mut aufbrachten – und weiterhin aufbringen –, öffentlich gegen Putins Staatsführung ihre Stimme zu erheben. Für dieses, mit hohem persönlichem Risiko verbundenem Zeichen gebührt ihnen unser größter Respekt.

Die Kunstakademie hilft selbstverständlich ihren Studierenden mit Verbindungen in die Ukraine bei allen sich jetzt zusätzlich durch das Studium stellenden Fragen. Melden Sie sich bitte direkt beim Studierendenservice: studierendenservice[at]kunstakademie-muenster.de.
Wenn wir darüber hinaus helfen können, wenden Sie sich zudem jederzeit an das Rektorat: rektorat[at]kunstakademie-muenster.de.
Zudem weisen wir auf die Beratungsangebote auf unserer Website hin.
Mögliche weitere spezifische Hilfsangebote werden wir direkt über die Homepage und den Newsletter veröffentlichen.

In unserem wöchentlichen internen Newsletter haben wir eine Rubrik zum Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine und seine Folgen eingerichtet. Hier sammeln wir Informationen zu regionalen und überregionalen Initiativen zur Nothilfe ebenso wie Hinweise auf wissenschaftliche Angebote und künstlerische Initiativen in Münster und von Akademieangehörigen. Falls Sie wichtige Beiträge teilen möchten, die noch nicht veröffentlicht wurden, senden Sie diese bitte direkt an das Newsletter-Team: kalender[at]kunstakademie-muenster.de
Lehrende, die künstlerische Initiativen, Veranstaltungen, Vorträge oder Ähnliches mit thematischem Bezug organisieren, schicken diese Information bitte ebenfalls an diese Adresse.
Auch unsere Facebook-Seite werden wir nutzen, um in geeigneter Form auf Veranstaltungen und Hilfsmöglichkeiten hinzuweisen.
Fortlaufend aktualisierte Link-Listen finden Sie in den Reitern unterhalb dieses Briefes.

Das Rektorat lässt darüber hinaus momentan unterschiedlichste Ideen der Unterstützung prüfen und sondiert Koordinations- und Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten mit übergeordneten zuständigen Stellen und anderen Hochschulen. Auch langfristig stellt sich die Frage, wie sich eine Kunsthochschule als Teil einer internationalen Bildungslandschaft verantwortlich zu der Tatsache verhalten kann, dass Berwerber*innen und Studierende zunehmend auch aus Krisen- und Kriegsgebieten stammen können. In einem ersten Schritt wird sich das Professorium in einer Sondersitzung mit den Möglichkeiten von Maßnahmen befassen. Wir werden die Akademieöffentlichkeit über unsere Website und den Newsletter informieren, sobald hier konkret abgestimmte Schritte erfolgen können. Die aktualisierten Informationen finden Sie in den Reitern unterhalb dieses Briefes.

Wir möchten an dieser Stelle im Namen aller Mitglieder und Angehörigen der Akademie auch der Betreiberin des Casinos, Verena Püschel, danken, die an zwei Aktionstagen in der vergangenen Woche ihre Einnahmen für die humanitäre Nothilfe in der Ukraine gespendet hat: Danke Verena und allen Spender*innen!

Wir begrüßen auch ausdrücklich die studentische Initiative, eine außerordentliche Vollversammlung am heutigen Tag um 16 Uhr einzuberufen, um Ideen zu sammeln, wie sich die Studierendenschaft einbringen kann.

Lasst uns/Lassen Sie uns als Angehörige der Kunstakademie Münster angesichts der erschreckenden Ereignisse umso beständiger für freiheitlich demokratische Grundwerte und ein friedliches Miteinander Verantwortung übernehmen.

Mit besten Wünschen und größtem Dank an alle, die helfen,
Das Rektorat

Freedom of art means freedom of artists. As a cosmopolitan university of arts committed to democratic diversity and peace, the University of Fine Arts Münster supports art students and prospective students from crisis regions when they apply for a place at our university.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the association "Freunde der Kunstakademie Münster e.V." (Friends of the University of Fine Arts Münster), which has set up an emergency fund and is collecting donations to support this programme: https://www.freunde-kunstakademie-muenster.de/kontaktspende. We thank all donors for their support.

Your journey to the University of Fine Arts Münster

The University of Fine Arts Münster enables refugees to take up artistic studies or to continue such studies, as far as the capacities of the university allow.

Guest Students

The University of Fine Arts Münster offers the possibility to accept guest students besides regularly enroled students. If you are interested, please contact the Student Services at studierendenservice@kunstakademie-muenster.de and 0251 8361 -206, -207 and  -208 for individual clarification. In addition, art students at risk who become members of the university can be financially supported, e.g. for exemption from semester fees, by the Friends of the Academy of Fine Arts Münster. Please use this funding application.

Regular application for artistic studies

You may apply for admission to a degree programme for the winter semester 2023/24 within the next assessment procedure (April 2023).

Information on the application procedure can be found here: https://www.kunstakademie-muenster.de/bewerbung.

Should the capacities of the University of Fine Arts Münster be exhausted, you can authorise us to pass your information on to other academies/universities of arts.

Further information can be found below under "Further Information" and "Artists at Risk – External Offers".

In the following, you will find important links. These are continuously being expanded. We are also dependent on your experience and assistance. Please send important information you might have (links, contact persons, etc.) to kalender[at]kunstakademie-muenster.de for possible publication. Please also contact us if you would like to point out updates or if you find certain content critical so that we can act as quickly as possible.

City of Münster - Infos regarding Stays on humanitarian reasons

Explanations of the various options for stays on humanitarian reasons:

Study and doctorate in germany – Infos given by the City of Münster

If you do not have German citizenship or the citizenship of a member state of the European Union, your stay in Germany is governed by the German Residence Act. The City of Münster provides information on the requirements for issuing and extending a residence permit before, during and after your studies:

International Academic Contact Point

On this portal, international universities are named, which offer Ukrainian students and scientists, the opportunity to continue their work:

National Academic Contact Point in Germany

On this portal, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) compiles extensive and diverse information for Ukrainian students and researchers:

Offers of the telephone counselling service / psychotherapeutic help

Information from the “Studierendenwerk“ (Student Social Services) on life in Münster

  • The “Studierendenwerk“ (Student Social Services) offers comprehensive information, for example, on living, eating and drinking, childcare and other counselling services: https://www.stw-muenster.de/en

Funding/financing study visits

Students at Risk – Hilde Domin-Programm of the DAAD

„Freunde der Kunstakademie Münster e.V.“ (Friends of the University Münster)

Information on financial support for refugees from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

For more information on funding, see "Artists at Risk – External Offers."

Other support services and sources of information:

Info page of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior

Compilations of various offers of help

Volunteering in Münster

Offer and find housing for refugees:

Queer Emergency Alliance:

Job search and job offers for refugees

Guide to trauma-sensitive and empowering interaction with refugees:

Recognition of foreign certificates and documents

Information from central offices and from federal and state governments

Health guide for refugees in Münster

German courses

How to donate:

The German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) has published a list of organisations that have been certified with the DZI donation seal and provides tips on how to donate: https://www.dzi.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/DZI-Spenden-Info-Nothilfe-Ukraine.pdf

  • The Rectors' Conference of the German Universities of Fine Arts has taken the anniversary of the war on Ukraine as an opportunity to publish a list of all the assistance offered by german universities of Fine Arts to refugees from Ukraine and other countries of origin:
    List of assistance offered by german universities of Fine Arts
  • https://aid-a.com/: Aid A helps artists and writers around the world to pursue their work by providing them with financial resources.
  • https://www.martin-roth-initiative.de/de:
    A fellowship programme aimed at artists and cultural workers who are persecuted for their work in their country. The scholarship means a stay in Germany or in the third countries and a supporting network.
  • https://www.pen-deutschland.de/en/writers-in-exile/:
    This organisation offers authors who are persecuted in their countries of origin a stay in Germany of up to three years. Pen makes network contacts with publishers and arranges readings.
  • https://icorn.org/:
    This network is aimed specifically at artists and authors whose work is restricted by censorship. It provides legal support as well as accommodation and job procurement. One form of support is through job placements or invitations to panel discussions.
  • Artist at risk.org supports artists worldwide who are being persecuted or who are refugees.
  • https://www.icfr.international/about-us/: The International Coalition for Filmmakers at Risk supports filmmakers worldwide who are at personal risk.
  • Here is a collection of links from the German Cultural Council (Deutscher Kulturrat): https://www.kulturrat.de/ukraine/

Further sources of information:

Freedom of science means freedom of scientists. As a cosmopolitan university of arts committed to democratic diversity and peace, the University of Fine Arts Münster has a sense of responsibility for supporting refugee scientists.

Please contact the university if you have specific questions at rektorat[at]kunstakademie-muenster.de.

External offers and help

Further sources of information:

Transition – LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur, Münster

Transition is both a series of lectures and an artistic intervention. At seven public lectures and discussions with experts and cultural representatives from Ukraine and Germany, as well as from other European countries, democracy, integrity, and the understanding of culture will be discussed.

Programme and Dates: https://www.lwl-museum-kunst-kultur.de/en/exhibitions/transition-talks/