- Prof. Mariana Castillo Deball (Direction in the orientation year)
- Prof. Alexander Lieck
- Prof. Setareh Shahbazi
- Blattmann, Christiane
- Bohn, Jenny
- Bolliger, Matthias
- Breuer, Markus
- Buchmaier, Barbara
- Daume, Stephanie
- Fisch, Ingrid
- Gensior, Anne
- Gummersbach, Hans-W., Dr.
- Hahn, Annemarie
- Huss, Jan Philipp
- Huvermann, Hubertus
- Inckmann, Lisa
- Kraus, Dietmar
- Lenz, Sabine
- Lückener, Martina
- Müller, Bernward
- Neuenhofer, Luis
- Rasch, Uwe
- Reihse, Andreas
- Schöpper, Christiane
- Sczepanek, Stephanie
- Talarico, Manuel
- Trommer, Vivian, Dr.
- Wielspütz, Ludger
The representative works to ensure that the special needs of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses are taken into account and, in particular, that the legal provisions applicable in their favour are observed. Specifically, the representative is involved in the planning and organisation of teaching and study conditions and in compensating for disadvantages with regard to studies and examinations. Furthermore, the representative is the person to contact for complaints by those affected.
Students with disabilities or chronic illnesses are particularly dependent on flexible study structures, as they are often unable to devote their full working capacity to their studies. They need additional time and energy for organising everyday life, therapy and rehabilitation measures. With regard to the current structural situation, not all areas of the University of Fine Arts Münster are accessible for wheelchairs (the university aims to gradually remove structural barriers and compensate for acute disadvantages as far as possible through customised individual measures).
In this context, the representative provides support in questions such as the following, jointly developing individual solutions:
- How do I plan my studies so that I meet the requirements, but at the same time don’t overdo things?
- Do I need any disadvantage compensation for specific academic achievements and who can I contact?
- Do I have specific requirements for excursions/participation in exhibitions and how can these be met (such as transport, sleeping arrangements, personal assistance/support)?
- How can I work with physical disabilities in the workshops, for example?
- Are there ways of making rooms accessible for me or equipping them properly?
- If I experience discrimination, how do I get help?
Fairy von Lilienfeld
Artistic-technical teacher: Painting technique
Ph. +49 (0)251 83 61075
Opening hours during the semester break:
mondays – wednesdays, 9:00 –17:00, without an appointment
thursdays + fridays, 9:00 – 17:00, by appointment
Opening hours outside the semester break:
mondays and wednesdays, 9:00 – 19:00
tuesdays and thursdays, 9:00 – 16:00
fridays, 9:00 – 17:00
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 075 A
Equal Opportunities Officer / Diversity Officer
The Equal Opportunities Officer / Diversity Officer and her deputy have the task of supporting the University in implementing the equal opportunities mandate. They are involved in structural planning, for example by participating in the development of plans for the advancement of women or gender equality or by taking a stand on gender equality issues in the University’s committees. Another important task is to participate in appointments. In this context, they may attend the meetings of the Senate, the Rectorate, the appointment committees and other bodies with the right to propose motions and to speak.
The Equal Opportunities Officer / Diversity Officer of the University of Fine Arts Münster and her deputy form the Equal Opportunities Commission. They are elected by the Senate and appointed by the Rectorate for a term of four years. Other members of the University of Fine Arts may be consulted for the sessions of the Equal Opportunities Commission. The duties, rights and eligibility of the Equal Opportunities Officer, her deputy and the Equal Opportunities Commission are derived from the KunstHG (Art Colleges Act) and the State Equal Opportunities Act.
Prof. Irene Hohenbüchler
Equal Opportunities Officer / Diversity Officer
Ph. +49 (0)251 83 61142
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 142
The Student Parliament (StuPa) is the highest decision-making student body.
President of the StuPa: Jakob Mönch
Deputy: Jona Bal
- Leona Egelkamp
- Karli Feist
- Adrian Ferdinand
- Daniel Schwinge
The General Students’ Committee (AStA) represents the students. It carries out the resolutions of the Student Parliament and manages the day-to-day administration of the student body.
AStA of the University of Fine Arts Münster
Leonardo Campus 2
Room 061
48149 Münster
Phone: +49 (0)251 83 61061
Chair of the AStA: Rieke Albertin
Deputy: Tomte Indira Salome Rieder
Finance Unit: Jennifer Rommel
Treasurer Unit: Lim Kim
International Students Unit: Sierra Plura
Facilities and Lending Unit: Alma Mariama Camara
Teaching at the University of Fine Arts Münster focuses on individual artistic development and is characterised by a variety of personal mentoring relationships. Statistical recording through standardised evaluation procedures does not reflect a large part of the productive or unproductive situations, possible obstacles and difficulties experienced in this context.
The liaison lecturers provide an individual safe space for open and confidential discussion in which students can describe their situation and articulate their personal feelings. They offer advice, can recommend first steps for change or how to deal with aggravating conditions, or get involved in problem solving themselves where appropriate. The explicit and primary goal is to effectively improve and productively deal with the student’s individual situation in the overall context of teaching at the University of Fine Arts Münster.
The occasion for such a conversation is not limited in terms of content. The offer is aimed at problems with personal urgency that are not covered by the scope of usual student counselling.
Prof. Keren Cytter
Advanced photography
Ph. +49 251 8361027
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 027
Prof. Nicoline van Harskamp
Performative art
Office hours by appointment by e-mail
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 129
Website of Nicoline van Harskamp
Website of the class of van Harskamp
Englishes MOOC – A project from Nicoline van Harskamp
Dr. Simon Vagts
Research associate (postdoc): Art Sciences
Ph. +49 251 83 61226
Office Hours during the lecture period:
wednesdays 12:00–14:00 or by appointment
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 226
Yvonne Broszkus
Representative of the Head of Department / Budget, Procurement
Ph. +49 (0)251 83 61309
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 309
Martin Lehmann
Head of Press, Communication, Media Department
Ph. +49 (0)251 83 61137
Office hours:
mondays, 13:00 – 16:00
tuesdays, – wednesdays 7:30 – 16:00
fridays, 7:30 – 14:00
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 137
The tasks of the liaison officers include
- Advising the employer on recruitment procedures
- Advice on organising workplaces and (re)designing them to accommodate persons with disabilities
- Determining needs and applying for support services
- Counselling for employees on long-term sick leave who are at risk of severe disability
- Assistance with reintegration into the workplace
- Referral to further internal and external support services
- Advice and support when applying for recognition of a severe disability by the pension office
- Participation in committees
Stefan Riegelmeyer
Artistic-technical teacher: Wood / Academic Staff Council
Ph. +49 (0)251 83 61083
F. +49 (0)251 83 61483
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 083
Martin Lehmann
Head of Press, Communication, Media Department
Ph. +49 (0)251 83 61137
Office hours:
mondays, 13:00 – 16:00
tuesdays, – wednesdays 7:30 – 16:00
fridays, 7:30 – 14:00
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 137
Tino Stöveken
Head of Department: Academic and Student Affairs
Ph. +49 (0)251 83 61205
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 205
Sabina Mazurek-Kronshagen
Finances, procurement
Ph. +49 (0)251 83 61319
F. +49 (0)251 83 61419
Leonardo-Campus 2
Room 319
Personen, die die Kunstakademie Münster auf Verstöße hinweisen, werden durch EU-Richtlinie 2019/1937 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 23.10.20219 zum Schutz von Personen, die Verstöße gegen das Unionsrecht melden sowie und das Gesetz für einen besseren Schutz hinweisgebender Personen ergänzt (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz) vor Benachteiligungen geschützt.
Sollten Sie im Rahmen Ihrer dienstlichen Tätigkeit an der Kunstakademie Münster oder im Zusammenhang mit der Hochschule Kenntnis davon erlangen, dass gegen geltende Gesetze und Richtlinien verstoßen wird, können Sie sich an die folgenden Meldestellen wenden:
- Externe Meldestelle des Bundes beim Bundesamt für Justiz
- Interne Meldestelle der Kunstakademie Münster:
Herr Tino Stöveken, Raum 205
Leonardo Campus 2, 48149 Münster
Tel.: 0251 / 83 61 205
Sofern intern wirksam gegen etwaige Verstöße vorgegangen werden kann, wenden Sie sich bitte vornehmlich an die Interne Meldestelle. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die o.g. Meldungen zu b) im Vertretungsfall auch durch Frau Sabine Wiggers bearbeitet werden.
Bitte beachten Sie:
- die Interne Meldestelle ist kein Anlaufpunkt bei allgemeinen Beschwerden
- die Interne Meldestelle dient nicht der Abwendung von akuten Notfällen oder Gefahrenlagen
Zuständigkeiten der Internen Meldestelle (§ 2 Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz)
- Verstöße, die strafbewehrt sind,
- Verstöße, die bußgeldbewehrt sind, soweit die verletzte Vorschrift dem Schutz von Leben, Leib oder Gesundheit oder dem Schutz der Rechte von Beschäftigten oder ihrer Vertretungsorgane dient,
- sonstige Verstöße gegen Rechtsvorschriften des Bundes und der Länder sowie unmittelbar geltende Rechtsakte der Europäischen Union und der Europäischen Atomgemeinschaft
Dazu gehören unter anderem:
- Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung,
- Produktsicherheit und -konformität,
- Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr,
- Umweltschutz,
- Strahlenschutz und zur kerntechnischen Sicherheit,
- Förderung der Nutzung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen und der Energieeffizienz,
- Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelsicherheit,
- Verbraucherrechte und des Verbraucherschutz,
- Schutz der Privatsphäre in der elektronischen Kommunikation, zum Schutz der Vertraulichkeit der Kommunikation, zum Schutz personenbezogener Daten,
- Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik.
- Verstöße gegen bundesrechtlich und einheitlich geltende Regelungen für Auftraggeber zum Verfahren der Vergabe von öffentlichen Aufträgen und Konzessionen und zum Rechtsschutz in diesen Verfahren ab Erreichen der jeweils maßgeblichen EU-Schwellenwerte, und weitere Finanz- und steuerrechtliche Verstöße
Der Eingang Ihres Hinweises wird Ihnen innerhalb von 7 Tagen von der Internen Meldestelle bestätigt; die Prüfung und Bewertung erfolgt innerhalb von 3 Monaten. Sie werden anschließend über die ergriffenen oder geplanten Folgemaßnahmen informiert, sofern dadurch interne Nachforschungen oder Ermittlungen nicht berührt und die Rechte der Personen, die Gegenstand einer Meldung sind oder die in der Meldung genannt werden, nicht beeinträchtigt werden.
Prof. Dr. Hildegund Amanshauser
Kunst und Öffentlichkeit
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2004 to 2009.
Prof. Joachim Bandau
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1988 to 2001.
Prof. Guillaume Bijl
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2001 to 2011.
Prof. Dr. Claudia Blümle
Kunstwissenschaft und Ästhetik
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2009 to 2014.
Prof. Daniele Buetti
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2004 to 2022.
Prof. Dr. Birgit Engel
Lehrauftrag: Kunstdidaktik und ästhetische Bildung
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2011 to 2022. Since 2022 teaching assignment.
Prof. Ulrich Erben
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1980 to 2005.
Prof. Ayse Erkmen
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2010 to 2015.
Prof. Dr. Lili Fischer
Feldforschung und Performance
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1994 to 2013.
Prof. Mechtild Frisch
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1994 to 2008.
Prof. Katharina Fritsch
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2001 to 2010.
Prof. Ernst Hermanns
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1976 to 1980.
Prof. Hans Paul Isenrath
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1972 to 2001.
Prof. Gunther Keusen
Grafik / Malerei
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1972 to 2004.
Prof. Dr. Max J. Kobbert
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1978 to 2009.
Prof. Hermann Josef Kuhna
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1972 to 2010.
Prof. Maik Löbbert
Bildhauerei / Kunst im öffentlichen Raum
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2001 to 2024. Rector at the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2005 to 2021.
Prof. Klaus Merkel
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2009 to 2020.
Prof. Lutz Mommartz
Film / Video
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1975 to 1999.
Prof. Shana Moulton
Performative Kunst
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2013 to 2016.
Prof. Reiner Ruthenbeck
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1980 to 2000.
Prof. Udo Scheel
Malerei / Grafik
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1972 to 2005.
Prof. Cornelia Schleime
At the University of Fine Arts Münster in 2005.
Prof. Dr. Manfred Schneckenburger
Rector at the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1995 to 2003.
(* December 01, 1938 in Stuttgart; † December 03, 2019 in Cologne)
Prof. Paul Schwer
Performative Kunst
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 01.04.2016 to 30.09.2016.
Prof. Norbert Tadeusz
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1973 to 1988.
Prof. Timm Ulrichs
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1972 to 2005.
Prof. Michael van Ofen
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2004 to 2023.
Prof. Henk Visch
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 2005 to 2017.
Prof. Ludmilla von Arseniew
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1972 to 2004.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wißmann
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1972 to 2001.
Prof. Jochen Zellmann
At the University of Fine Arts Münster from 1974 to 2005.
Prof. Dr. Halil Akdeniz
Honorary citizen
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Arnheim
Honorary member
Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) †
Prof. Dr. h.c. K.O. Götz
Honorary member and honorary doctorate
Niederbreitbach-Wolfenacker †
Prof. Ernst Hermanns
Honorary member
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Hofmann
Honorary member and honorary doctorate
Hamburg †
Heinz Lohmann
Honorary citizen
Rupert Mantlik
Honorary citizen
Prof. Rolf Sackenheim
Honorary member
Düsseldorf †
Alois Schulz
Honorary citizen
Münster †
Prof. Emil Schumacher
Honorary member
Hagen †
Ursula Sonderkamp
Honorary citizen
Prof. Dr. Erwin-Josef Speckmann
Honorary member
Prof. Dr. Dr. phil. h.c. Klaus Stähler
Honorary doctorate
Andreas von Lovenberg
Honorary citizen
Detmold †
Alfred Wirtz
Honorary citizen